Lake Compounce teen travel trip

From: "PV Day Camp" <pvdaycamp@PROTECTED>
Subject: Lake Compounce teen travel trip
Date: July 29th 2024


Next week, on Tuesday August 6th, is our teen travel trip to Lake Compounce.  If your child is registered for week 6 and is signed up for the trip we will need a permission slip signed for them to attend.  I have attached a copy of the permission slip to this email.  Your camper will also receive a copy with an information sheet at camp.

The permission slip can be handed to the directors or sent via email to tcortina@PROTECTED.

Some reminders for this trip:

This trip leaves the PV Middle School at 9AM but WILL NOT be returning to the PV Middle School until 5:30-6PM. We will be updating time via facebook and mass emails. 

Lake Compounce is a cashless park.  They do have kiosks that can put cash onto a visa gift card if any campers bring cash for snacks and additional food  We also accept apple pay and google pay. 

Each Camper will receive a voucher for a lunch, entree inlcuding fountain drink. They also have refillable water stations.

This park is half water park, half amusement park. Campers should bring bathing suits AND a change of dry clothes. 

Thank you and I look forward to a fun day!


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