PV Day Camp Message

From: "PV Day Camp" <pvdaycamp@PROTECTED>
Subject: PV Day Camp Message
Date: January 30th 2025

Hello Day Camp Families,

Attached is the  Early Bird Flyer for PV Day Camp 2025.  Also attached is the flyer for the Day Camp Tours for our New Parents and our Activity Calendar.  

Day Camp Early Bird Registration will be at 8am on Tuesday April 1st to Saturday April 12 until Midnight! Prices will increase on Sunday April 13th  with no discounts avaiable.

Teen Travel Trips for children going into 6th grade up to CITs and On Site Events for K-5TH are all now included in the price. 

Teen Travel Trips-

Week 3- July 17th Breakpoint Bowl 

Week 6- August 6th -Quassy Amuemsnt Park 

On-Site events for K-5-

Week 3- July 17th - Drive in Movie

Week 6- Two By Two Animal Haven

  In the meantime before registration starts PLEASE go into your online accounts: https://reg.pvpr.com/  and edit your child’s enrollment. Please change the T-shirt size to an adult or child size! YOU MUST update the grade your child will be entering in September 2025 to ensure that your child will be in the appropriate group this summer. Review all phone numbers, emergency contacts and email addresses. If you need assistance to reset your password or forgot your user name, please call us at the Parks and Recreation office ar 845-526-3292 and we will be happy to assist you.

You can also get a head start now on obtaining your child’s most current immunization and physical records.  These records must be within a year of when camp starts, which is June 30th  and ends August 22nd (no camp Friday July 4th).  

You can fax them directly to us at 845-306-2114.


Annie Spinelli & Toniann Cortina


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