PV Day Camp Archives


Aftercamp care

August 9th 2024 EST

All Aftercamp parents, we are sheltering in the middle school in the main entrance hallway. Please pick up your children as soon as you can please. you can know on the main doors to pick them up.   thanks. ...Continue Reading

Inclement Weather

August 9th 2024 EST

Good Afternoon,  Inclement Weather (Tornado watch) we want to start busing children down to the middle school at 3pm. Please pick up your children ASAP there.   As for aftercare, the same thing.  Weather is very unpredictable around here.    thanks    ...Continue Reading

Week 7 Event- Friday August 16th, 2024, Halloween

August 7th 2024 EST

Hello PVDC Parents, Next Friday (8/16) is our Halloween event! Campers may come dressed in their costumes (camp appropriate, no props or face masks)! Make sure they have a change of clothes. We will have candy, games, and our famous Haunted House! ...Continue Reading


August 6th 2024 EST

Good afternoon Purple, Green and CIT Group Parents/Guardians, As you all know, while physically on our way to Lake Compounce this morning they called me to cancel our trip having closed their park for today.  Your campers were brought back to the school and up to camp and the PV Market saved us once again ( like last year) with providing a last minute lunch for our kids. Moving forward we have reschduled this trip for a date in week 8 of camp.  We have replaced Lake Compounce with Quassy Amusement park, which ...Continue Reading


August 6th 2024 EST

Parents- Those of you whose child was going on the Lake Compounce trip today, August 6th, they just called and informed us they are closed due to the inclement weather.  We brought your child(ren) back up to camp for the day.  We will be providing them a pasta lunch.   Further information, about rescheduling the trip will be provided later. If you have any questions, please contact the office or camp. ...Continue Reading

Lake Compounce Tomorrow Rain or Shine-This week's Talent Show is Wednesday

August 5th 2024 EST

Hello, Tomorrow Tuesday August 6th, is our teen travel trip to Lake Compounce. RAIN OR SHINE we are going!  If your child is registered for this week  and is signed up for the trip _we will need a permission slip signed for them to attend_.  I have attached a copy of the permission slip to this email.  Your camper will also receive a copy with an information sheet at camp. The permission slip can be handed to the directors or sent via email to tcortina@PROTECTED. Some reminders for this trip: _T ...Continue Reading

Lake Compounce teen travel trip

July 29th 2024 EST

Hello, Next week, on Tuesday August 6th, is our teen travel trip to Lake Compounce.  If your child is registered for week 6 and is signed up for the trip we will need a permission slip signed for them to attend.  I have attached a copy of the permission slip to this email.  Your camper will also receive a copy with an information sheet at camp. The permission slip can be handed to the directors or sent via email to tcortina@PROTECTED. Some reminders for this trip: This trip leaves the PV Middle School at ...Continue Reading

Week 5-Olympics-Wednesday

July 29th 2024 EST

Hello All, Week 5- Olympics! This Event is on Wednesday July 31st Counselors made Country teams, ask at drop off/pick up or call camp or PVPR for your campers teams Camp Phone Number- 845-260-2807 PVPR-845-526-3292 ...Continue Reading

Construction at the PV Middle School

July 24th 2024 EST

Good Morning, Please give yourself sometime to drop off.  We will keep the Buses here until 9:05am this week or until this construction in front of the Middle School. thank you   ...Continue Reading

Splash Down tomorrow!

July 15th 2024 EST

Excursion to Splash Down tomorrow! Departing from PV Middle School at 9am, returning at 4pm. Wear Teen Travel tank tops. Lunch included: pizza slice, chips, cookie, and water. Bring a sealed, clear water bottle (e.g., Poland Spring or Aquafina). Bring spending money for snacks. ...Continue Reading
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