November 8th 2024 EST
Good Afternoon, When picking up your children at the Elementary School site, can you please turn off your head lights and stand outside of your car so we can send your children to you. We are blinded by the lights :) Thank You! Have a great 3 day weekend. ...Continue Reading
November 5th 2024 EST
We will be back at to Parks and recreation at around 5:15-5:30. please line up on the handicap ramp and wait for all the children to get inside and we will then start dismissing them in parent order thanks! ...Continue Reading
November 4th 2024 EST
Hello All, December Tuition is Due Wednesday November 20th along with the November 26th 1/2 day at the elementary school only. For the Tuesday November 26th 1/2 day we still have room availible if you want to sign up. Bills will go out November 15th from webautomation@PROTECTED REMINDER: _LATE PICK UPS-_- We close at 6pm. Anyone who picks up after 6pm will incure a late pick up fee of $10.00 everytime you are late. Thanks ...Continue Reading
October 29th 2024 EST
We are CLOSED TODAY October 29th ...Continue Reading
October 29th 2024 EST
Good Morning, The PV Children's Center is on a two hour delay. We Open at 9am. ...Continue Reading
October 18th 2024 EST
Happy Friday, November Tuition is Due THIS SUNDAY OCTOBER 20TH! The Parks and Recreation office will be open tomorrow 8am-12pm (Last bulk drop off at Town Hall 8:45am-11:45am) For more information on Bulk drop off Visit: Bulk Drop-off – Town of Putnam Valley _Here are the many ways to pay:_ 1.Pay online via your account at reg.pvpr.comthrough paypal with a 4% credit card fee added, and they accept all major credit cards. 2. Pay at either PVCC location with cash or check made payable to _PV Parks and ...Continue Reading
October 8th 2024 EST
Hello PVCC Parents, NOVEMBER tuition is due Sunday October 20th 2024. Bills will be sent out Ocotber 15th- email will be from- webautomation@PROTECTED Here are the many ways to pay: 1.Pay online via your account at reg.pvpr.comthrough paypal with a 4% credit card fee added, and they accept all major credit cards. 2. Pay at either PVCC location with cash or check made payable to _PV Parks and Recreation_. 3. Pay at the Parks & Recreation office with cash or check or credit card ( with a 4% fe ...Continue Reading
October 7th 2024 EST
Good Afternoon, On Friday, October 11 the Middle and Elementary Schools will be dismissing 15 minutes early as part of a state-mandated early evacuation. The PV Children's Center will be OPEN 15 MINUTES EARLY this Friday. _LATE PICK UPS-_ All children must be picked up at each program BY 6pm sharp. ALL Pick ups after 6pm will be charged a $10.00 late fee each day you pick up late. ...Continue Reading
October 3rd 2024 EST
Hello PVCC Families! Once again there is an Elementary School half day coming up. This one is on Tuesday November 26th. This will be our Turkey Bowl event! It is the same process as the other special days. Register online at when _registration opens on WEDNESDAY OCTOBER 9TH! _It is also $45 for the 1st child and half off for each sibling. I have attached the flyer for more information. There is also a maximum of 50 spots for this half day care event. As always please call 845-526-3292 or email t ...Continue Reading
September 23rd 2024 EST
Good Afternoon, October tuition was due last Friday September 20th 2024! You have until today at 6pm to avoid the late fee!! Moving forward Monthly Tuition is due on the 20th prior to the month your child attends. Here are the many ways to pay: 1.Pay online via your account at reg.pvpr.comthrough paypal with a 4% credit card fee added, and they accept all major credit cards. 2. Pay at either PVCC location with cash or check made payable to _PV Parks and Recreation_. 3. Pay at the Parks & ...Continue Reading
This mailing list is announce-only.
This email will keep parents informed of upcoming events, additional childcare days, payment and registration deadlines, and weather related information.
The Town of Putnam Valley, Parks & Recreation Dept. will not share, sell, rent or otherwise disclose the personal information (name, postal address, e-mail address) of our email list subscribers without their advance permission, unless otherwise ordered by a court of law. All personal information collected is used solely to contact our subscribers in regard to activities and important relevant information.